Meet Gemma Alontaga, the talented singer-songwriter and guitarist from the Philippines, now based in Abu Dhabi. With her enchanting voice and guitar skills, Gemma has become a sought-after performer in the city's music scene. She often collaborates with her talented guitarist, Michael, to create a duo that never fails to entertain.
Gemma's bubbly personality and infectious energy make her a joy to watch on stage. Her dynamic performances and versatility in playing various genres, from classic rock to pop, R&B, reggae, and more, have earned her numerous awards in her home country. She was the proud winner of Golden Voice 2021 and OFW Got Talent, showcasing her talent and dedication to her craft.
In addition to her success in the music industry, Gemma is also a fitness trainer and model, making her the whole package. Her commitment to a healthy lifestyle and overall well-being shines through in her performances and inspires her fans to follow in her footsteps.
Gemma's talent has taken her beyond the UAE, as she has been invited to participate in the prestigious World Championship of Performing Arts (WCOPA) in July 2023 in California. Her passion for music and dedication to her craft have made her a rising star in the industry.
If you're looking for a talented and entertaining performer who brings both musical and physical fitness skills to the stage, look no further than Gemma Alontaga. She is the perfect addition to any event, and her captivating presence is sure to leave a lasting impression on any audience.